SkyJellies - Main production project

The full game that we will release when it's finished. Unlike the Prototype, the work is held to the highest standard.

Accessing the Repository

To access the GitHub repo for the Full Game, you must first complete your Join Task. Once you have completed the Join Task, you can take an apprenticeship. Those who are apprentices can work on the Full Game, listed as SkyJellies. Once qualified to work on the Full Game, you can email Samuel Martin an invite to the repo on Discord. Do not forget to send them the email you use for GitHub.

Pull Request and Merge Rules

Unlike the Prototype, we have more restrictions in this section. Given there are more restrictions, we have dedicated, elected reviewers to review PRs for the Full Game.

  • Use this card for more information as a 2nd Reviewer: ΗΕRΕ
  • Make sure that the code is optimized and includes the correct XML tags.
  • All the code must follow the Style Guide* listed in this documentation. There are NO EXCEPTIONS
  • If you are unsure about something please ask others for opinions and/or advise.

After a pull request is created send a message to either the Servant Leader or the 2nd Reviewer NOT BOTH for the week you created the pull request.