Compassion Prototype - Not the Final Game

The Compassion Prototype, also referred to as the Prototype, is a build of the game used for marketing and show and tell. This build is made to showcase what we are building and test concepts.

It is mainly used for:

  • Testing experimental features.
  • Join tasks.
  • Showcasing aspects of our game-idea.

The prototype was the Unity project that was created during the formation of this team it contains various problems:

  • Contains a lot of old code from features that were scraped.
  • Almost no documentation because originally people didn't give any importance to it.
  • Lots of low quality code either due:
    • Prefering quick tests of features.
    • No code reviews ever.

This is not uncommon, many teams create "Quick and dirty" prototypes to test their ideas before creating the final product.

Accessing the Repository

The GitHub repository is listed as “Connect-ed-Foraging.” All programmers, new and old members alike, should be able to access the prototype. Follow the steps in the GitHub section of this document for who you reach out to gain access. Once cloned, the actual Prototype to be opened in Unity is in a folder called “Connect-ed.”

Rules for Pull Requests

Generally, the rules for a Pull Request in the Prototype are not very strict. But it is to allow new members to learn the rules to follow the correct procedure.

  • If it works and does not cause any significant problems, merge.

If you are unsure about something, always feel free to ask questions.

Systems to Review

The following sections under the Compassion Prototype go over the developed systems. They will inform you how to work with the systems, such as the interaction system. When you take a task that involves one of these systems, it may not be a bad idea to review them here first before getting started on said task.