The Join Task

The goal of the join task is:
To learn and understand GitHub To clone, branch and Pull Request To make small changes to specific files To succesfully follow a procedure.

The goal in NOT to:
Test your programming knowledge


For each of the following steps there is page on this documentation explaining how to do it in detail.
Part of the task is to read through these pages .

Step 1

Clone the GitHub repository of the documentation ΗΕRΕ

  • This is not the repo for the Compassion Prototype or the Full Game.

Step 2

Create a new branch.
The name should be "discord-name Join Task" or something similar.
Proper naming of branches is important.

Step 3

Find the markdown(MD) file that has the name list.
Add your discord name at the bottom of the list.
Finding where you saved the project and which one is the specific file is part of the task :) (no asking for help).

Step 4

Create a Pull Request(PR) that will serve as proof that you added your name.
After creating the PR inform the programming team so someone can check and approve.